The moment Precious entered SNAP Cats as a kitten, she was immediately adored by everyone. Her small size and fluffy exterior filled everyone’s heart with love. She ended up becoming the little star of the place while she was there. I remember the first time I came to SNAP Cats, she immediately stole my attention and heart. When she was younger, she would curl up in my lap for hours sleeping. After a nice long nap, she would tend to get playful. Like many kittens, she enjoyed playing with shoelaces as if they were a tug toy. However, when Precious got older, she stopped interacting with the other cats. She began to hide away and wouldn’t come out unless you forced her to. When I saw this change, I wanted to help, so everytime I would come to volunteer, I would pick her up and get her to at least look at the other cats. Precious would burrow her head into my arms when she got too overwhelmed by all the cats, and we would always end our socializing sessions with her laying on me for hours and sleeping. It was a huge shock to hear that she was gone and that she had gone downhill so quickly. However, I carry her with me whenever I can. She gets to see unique places now that she never would have gotten to in her life from a safe place by my heart. We all love and miss you so much Precious. Thank you for letting us meet you.